WARMUP SUGGESTIONS Prior to normal play with four people on the court
One PB for each pair of players. Dink back and forth against your opponent remembering to lift and carry the ball. Then dink to the opposite opponent cross court using forehand & backhand strokes. All for about 5 minutes.
Volley against your opponent for about 5 minutes w/o letting the PB fall to the ground if you can. Allows for quickness and hand/eye co-ordination.
Opponent stays at the kitchen line. You go to the service/base line. Opponent hits ball to you deep and your intentions are to place the ball in the kitchen area. After 5 minutes or so, switch so you are at the kitchen line and your opponent is at the service/base line.
Both you and your opponent are at the service/baselines. Both of you are to serve the ball deep to each other for 5 minutes. Object is to get the PB as close to base lines as you can for accurate hitting.
If need be, both you and your opponent can practice a few serves from both sides of the court before starting your game.